2022 SOAR – Round 6


Technical layout – my favourite. Lost the front end in turn 2 in Am Old Folks on Sunday but got back on and managed to finish the race – leathers were scuffed up nasty on the left elbow and hip but the new Shark helmet didn’t get marked, very happy […]

2022 SOAR – Round 4


It was the short Modified layout, had some good battles. Position / Best lap Saturday Qualifying Sunday Race Lost Era Lightweight 12th / 56.071 11th / 55.273 Am Old Folks 6th / 55.481 5th / 54.855

2022 SOAR – Round 3


It was long layout and I struggled to find grip and confidence in turn 5, the second hairpin left. The practice day was wet so I was out on the B bike with the wet tires on – it was great! Danny loaned some wet tires to Heather so we […]

2022 SOAR – Round 2


I had a misunderstanding with a photographer and was waiting for him to send pics before posting about this round – it’s a month after the end of the season and I STILL haven’t received a single pic from this guy!! So I can’t remember all of what went on […]

2022 SOAR – Round 1


We had to wait for Josh to finish work so left for Grand Bend early on Thursday evening and had asked our pit buddy to save us a spot since last year was mayhem. When we got there, we found that our buddy had fobbed us off to pit with […]

2022 SOAR Racing – May Practice


First opportunity to test the new A bike was at a private practice day that Danny sorted out. I threw the bike in Danny’s trailer and we headed out the night before but when we offloaded the bikes, I found that my front triple stand hit the upper fairing so […]