This bike has been awesome but it didn’t have any race goodies like clip ons, rearsets or race fairings so I’ve been thinking about upgrading or maybe trying something different. At the end of the season I decided to list it for sale in race trim as a track day bike that could easily be put back on the road and see what happened. I got a fair bit of interest but mostly low ballers or people looking to trade and a couple of clowns that promised they were going to send me a deposit and then ghosted me. It all worked out though because a really cool lad called Joshua came to see it and decided he wanted it – only catch was, I had to put it back to road trim.
That went pretty well, I dug out all the old road bodywork and headlights, etc and after a bit of googling and soldering, she was about ready to go. Unfortunately, poor Josh broke down in a parking lot on the way home, the battery died. We got it home and I checked it over, turned out the battery was bad so I got a new one for him. Then finally I had to let go … again, and dang it looked mean as it left in the freezing cold!