Nelson Ledges Track Day June


My good pal Danny was going racing with WERA at Nelson Ledges in Ohio and was kind enough to let me tag along to do the Fasttrax track day on the Friday before. Sadly the weather forecast was not good for the track day and I didn’t want to bother trying to learn a new track in the rain but we loaded up my bike anyway, just in case. We met up with Rian who was also racing and had a very nice dinner at the local diner. It rained through the night and was wet in the morning but by noon it dried up so I signed up for the afternoon sessions. A super nice coach called John showed me round for the first half of the first session and then I felt comfortable chasing after some of the faster guys that came past.

I missed the next session because I was chatting so Mike the organizer said he would see if I could go out with the race school at the end of the day – what a great guy! I hadn’t got my knee down at the start of the second session but by the end I was dragging it all over and feeling much happier.

You can see poor Rian at the end as I pull into the pits forgetting that he had already taken one stand off the bike! Thanks to Rian for letting me take up a little space in his canopy.

I noticed the bike was running a little hotter than usual, getting into the high 90Cs. In the pits I noticed that the coolant overflow tank was empty! I couldn’t see anything in the belly pan so we topped it up and decided to see how it went in the next session.

I was feeling great in the 3rd session, I felt like I was able to start pushing a bit more and chase down the faster guys. I must have pressed the wrong button on the GoPro though because only the second session actually recorded, gutted! Overall a great day – the track was really cool, super grippy and lots of long fast corners and Fasttrax did a great job of running it all.

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SOAR Round 2 24, 25 June 2023

Reverse Alien layout, this is the only time we do reverse direction so I put the Pirelli scrub on the rear to try – it’s not supposed to be flipped so this is the only chance to really wear the left side. Thursday KSR track day We met Rick in […]

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